Trump: l’attaque de l’Iran contre Israël montre la “faiblesse” des États-Unis sous Biden


L’attaque iranienne contre Israël montre la “grande faiblesse” des États-Unis sous le président démocrate Joe Biden, a affirmé samedi soir le candidat des républicains à la présidentielle Donald Trump, lors d’un meeting en Pennsylvanie.

“Que Dieu bénisse le peuple d’Israël. Ils sont attaqués en ce moment. C’est parce que nous faisons preuve d’une grande faiblesse”, a lancé l’ancien président des États-Unis à l’entame de son discours devant ses partisans.


Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. Parles francais s il te plait je te parle pas portugais moi! C EST DE L IMPERIALISME QUAND TU CROIS TOUT LE MONDE PARLE AMERICAIN!


  2. I hope there is diplomatic solution to this condition but I do not see one. This is mess created by NATO by murdering Iranian general while he was at embassy. That is violation of international law plus invite worldwide lawlessness. It is kind of insanity that promotes nuclear war that will destroy life on planet before life on this planet succumb to unstoppable accelerating Global Warming which increases as planet move more out of orbit it had for millenniums. Daringness shown by leaders of NATO plus Iran indicate they have loss hope for ability to apply solution to Global Warming thus feel free to do as they choose with likelihood of life on planet ending within century. As demonstrated NATO was prepared for attack likely before murdering general at Iranian embassy. To have shot down 297 drones plus missiles out of 300 is great military feat or/ plus show lack of maneuverability of those drones plus missiles. Under that reasoning NATO reconnaissance is good. However, I expect Iran have other actions it will take. It is not militarily smart for Iran to militarily take on all of NATO being it lack manpower. I believe only China plus Russia is capable of doing so plus maintaining themselves. United Africa with good partners could do so but it would be helluva feat with war in NATO nations plus Africa.
    Henry Author Price Jr. aka Kankan


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