Le ministre des Maliens de l’Extérieur a pris part, ce dimanche 2 février, au lancement de l’association « Tamouzok », une nouvelle alliance pour la Paix et la Concorde. Aux côtés d’autres personnalités de la transition, tous ressortissants du Nord, le ministre Attaher, ancien membre des groupes armés, a livré sa recette pour une paix durable au Mali.
« Nous ne sommes ni régionalistes ni communautaristes, nous sommes simplement républicains », s’est défendu d’entrée de jeu, l’actuel ministre de la Communication, Alhamdou Ag Ilyène, président de la nouvelle association « Tamouzok ». Le mot qui signifie en tamasheq « Vivre en paix ou vivre ensemble ». L’association lancée au CICB prend sa source, selon son président, dans les Assises nationales de la refondation.
Ancien maire de Goundam et membre du gouvernement de transition, Oumou Sall Seck est membre de Tomouzok. Elle était au présidium aux côtés du Général El Hadji Ag Gamou, actuel Gouverneur de Kidal. Aussi, des membres du CNT notamment Abdoul Madjid Nasser ou Bajan Ag Hamatou, ancien député de Ménaka, sont membres de la nouvelle association.
Interrogé par la presse sur le sort des groupes armés dans le processus de paix, le ministre Moussa Ag Attaher a tranché, avec le sens de la formule que l’on lui connait. « C’est ensemble, en parlant avec tous les Maliens, en armes et en larmes que nous ferons la paix », a-t-il déclaré. Et de s’engager solennellement pour la cause : « Nous sommes en mission, et la mission pour la paix n’a pas de prix ».
Mamadou TOGOLA/maliweb.net
@Moussa Ag Attaher: Les Maliens qui ont pris les armes contre leur nation ont crée les Maliens en larmes et les premiers ne méritent pas la reconciliation et ni le dialogue mais les armes et des drones contre eux, c’est tres simple! Le jour ou ils vont deposer les armes alors nous allons les mettre devant la justice de leur pays qui va decider de leur sort!
@Matt, UN we dont really care.
An agreement under un resolution is a toilt paper, a shit.
See what happening in Congo, DR?
We know now for sure U.N, france, terrorists, rebels are same side.
Even french says that there arelinks between tuareg separatists and terrorists djihaists.
If MNLA was only separatist group, then they should help Famas fight terroirsts and djihadists.After that we will solve our political problems as Malians.But maa, mnla, hcua…never help Famas to fight terrorists.
Only Ag Gamou group helping Famas against terrorists.
Now every body can see that maa, mnla, hcua…plan with djihadists attacks agains Famas.That means from the beginning there is link between them.
And the beginning in 2011 in Aguelock when mnla, hcua, maa… help djihadist to kills hundred Malians soldiers, including brave Capitain Sekou Traore and his group.
You talking about wagner. What france, un, otan soldiers didnt do wagner do it.That is fine with us.
We cooperate with Russia state.Even they send us devils to fight terrorists that fine with us.
In other hand, to fight terrorists with success you must be mure violent that them.Terrorists need to feel fear.Terrorists and their supports are same.That is what USA did n Irak and Afganistan.
Civils with guns, armed civilians facing Famas or terrorizing people are not civilians, they are terrorists.
Famas dont enter in a Family and start shot, women, father, kids…No, no.They shot people with guns.
China, Russia, Iran, Turquie, north Korea, India, Bresil, Cuba can help fight terrorisme. Otan members cant, because they create terrorists and arm them.
Stop bullshitting.
Time will tell as the Malian junta will end up defeated, with or without Wagner mercenaries, and the Touareg marching on Bamako. The FAMAs are weak and unmotivated. They and Wagner only excel at slaughtering innocent Malian civilians. Just saying! 🙂
Matt please do not waste my time. My position is very clear, this legitimate Malian government under Assimi Goita will never negotiate with terrorists, they have to put down their weapons first and then be judged and punished according to their senseless and criminal acts against Malian people.
Crimes are committed by FAMA and Wagner, a well-documented fact, not the Touareg. Take my word, the Syrian fall of the Assad regime despite massive assistance from Russia is bound to repeat itself in Mali.
Matt it is your right to take your dreams as reality. But unfortunately for you, Mali will not negotiate with terrorists because they have blood of children, women on their two hands!
Matt your Tuaregs are super terroristes as they are the one responsible for the killings of children and women on the ‘Bateau Tombouctou’ just an example. Mali will never give up on its souvereignty and will never negotiate with terrorists they have to put down first their weapons and be judged and punished according to their senseless and criminal actions.
Tres Cher Kinguiranke: The Touaregs did sign a peace treaty, blessed by the UN, with a legitimate Malian government. It is the illegitimate Malian junta who denounced the treaty thinking that with Wagner they will win. You may have noticed that Wagner no longer gets close to the Algeria border after the Algerian protest to Putin. Of course, the FAMA will never dare (no disrespect meant) to go there without Wagner.
Having said that, I am in agreement with your stand against France and like you I support the AES push for unity and sovereignty.
Btw, I am for the Touareg living in peace within an undivided, democratic and sovereign Mali. Vive the Mali indivisible et democratique!
There is no peace with terrorists only illusion that there is peace. We should not be so cowardly to think that whatever cost we will pay it for peace. That is not peace that is illusion of naive plus gullible people whose cowardice will allow terrorists without threat of being neutralized to enslave or destroy part or all of them. It takes courage at right point of condition to avoid psychological enslavement former terrorists are now proposing should exist for them over us. There was only one period that peace could exist. Once possibility of honorable peace had been violated we would be worst of cowards to pursue illusion of peace. Terrorists laugh at fact they have murdered our soldiers plus citizens, raped, kidnapped, injured, robbed plus destroyed property for amusement plus now have us engaging in illusion of peace talks. Those among us who believe like peace may be had should be transported to front lines where our most honorable FAMA with victory after victory before presence of Ubuntu Beliefs Religion (UBR) Julu angels known as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday plus Saturday battle terrorists thereof fulfilling their duty in pursuit of achieving competent security without existence of terrorists in AES nations. Those of terrorism may find peace but it should not be in AES nations. They must look elsewhere. If found in AES nations plus we are searching they should immediately be neutralized. By acknowledging as being acknowledged in this comment we are over generous in consideration. We are giving terrorists consideration they did not give their seemingly infinite number of victims. If terrorists suffered tears it is result of their criminal actions terrorists implemented against innocent citizens plus soldiers.
People of Books.
Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan
There will be no peace in Mali without negotiation and reconciliation. No nation will work with the “putschist” & “illegitimate” Malian junta. The FAMA are weak, unmotivated, lack proper training, and are grossly under equipped. Without Wagner, Mali will be controlled by armed groups in a New York minute, another Somalia in the making.
Btw, if you wish that fighting continues in Mali, rejoin your country and enroll with the FAMA and fight for your country, instead of living overseas (Detroit as far as I know).
Les Maliens qui ont pris les armes contre leur nation ont crée les Maliens en larmes et ne méritent pas la reconciliation et ni le dialogue mais les armes et des drones contre eux, c’est tres simple! Le jour ou ils vont deposer les armes alors nous allons les mettre devant la justice de leur pays qui va decider de leur sort!
Wagner and the FAMA have been documented slauthering Malian civilians, raping innocent Malian women and, yes, even eating human Malian flesh like cannibals. Wagner and FAMA “ont cree les Maliens en larmes” to a large extend. Don’t get me wrong, I am not innocenting the terrorists (Tuaregs are not terrorists but armed groups) who are as bad as FAMA and Wagner.